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Collaborate with us

Daetec believes the acceleration in creating new products and processes starts with open communication and sharing.  “…The better we are able to understand the customer’s needs, the sooner we can begin ideation and prototyping...” says John Moore, founder and President.  Daetec promotes teamwork in this process from all levels.  “…We understand the need for a product at the highest levels, but focus on creating it to be understood by line workers who can easily support it...” says Moore.  Daetec pushes technology transfer at the earliest stages and uses proof-of-concepts to trigger healthy dialog.  Get the prototype in hand and begin tuning towards commercialization. 

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“…Our collaborative approach supports customers while they remain in the driver seat.  They know their business best.  Daetec simply provides tools that aid their competitive edge…”


John Moore, founder and President

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